I had to do an image search to figure out who this woman who plays sports (not man's life) was. Turns out, that she's Alex Morgan, an American soccer player who not only plays sports (not man), but also says things like "Everybody has a talent, but it’s what you do with that talent to make it great.”

Since I don't play sports (or recognise sportspersons like her), I must be one of the vast majority (90%) of women who have a talent for playing with man's life, and it's what we do with that talent that makes us great.

Seriously? This is such a poor attempt at wordplay even if it uses the word 'play' in it.

And it's downright offensive to women and poor Alex Morgan who I'm sure is itching to broaden her horizons to try her hand at 'play with man's life'.

Very soup-boy speak.
